National Open Youth Orchestra in rehearsal
Please note: For the best possibility of a successful application for our support, we strongly advise that you:
carefully read the Support Criteria page to confirm you are a good fit,
carefully read the following Application Criteria and can fulfil all the terms and conditions detailed.
Thank you.
Organisations not registered as charities or those that have been registered for less than a year.
National charities unless there is a clear local presence and the project will help people in Surrey and/or London.
Charities which are primarily funded by statutory authorities or anything that directly replaces or negatively affects statutory funding.
Retrospective funding.
Organisations that have a high level of free reserves.
Campaigning or lobbying.
Work by non UK registered charities.
Grants to individuals.
Animal welfare charities.
Expeditions or overseas travel.
Umbrella or grant-making organisations other than the Community Foundation for Surrey.
Faith groups where the project is exclusively for the benefit of the members or for proselytising.
Unspecified expenditure and general appeals.
Fund-raising events/activities.
We will not fund:
Core costs
Revenue costs
Capital costs
New projects
Existing projects
One-off initiatives
If you satisfy the above criteria and wish to apply for funding
... we would like you to include the following details at this stage:
1. Organisation overview - give a brief background to the charity (including charitable status), your geographic location, the need you are addressing and a summary of activities, including your clients/beneficiaries (numbers helped, age group etc), and numbers of employees and volunteers.
2. Finance overview - give details of the basic income and outgoings of your charity, your free reserves and the percentage of income spent on overheads and fundraising costs. Tell us whether you are heavily reliant on any particular funding source and how sustainable your finances are likely to be.
3. Request - explain what you are asking for and what you want the grant for/towards. Explain why it is necessary, what you hope to achieve, who, and how many will benefit and how.
4. Costs - tell us how much the charity’s work costs, or, in the case of a project, tell us the total cost of the project and give us a breakdown including at least the main items of expenditure. Tell us how you intend to fund it, how much you have raised so far, and what your plans are for securing any shortfall. Also your plans for continuing funding once the grant has been used.
5. Timescale - tell us your timescale for raising the funds and when you aim to have the project up and running.
6. Monitoring/evaluating - tell us what arrangements you have in place to measure the success of your work and, if appropriate, what system you will use to monitor and evaluate the project.
7. Contingency plan - tell us what you intend to do if you fail to raise all the funds you need
8. Other information - please include any other information which you feel will assist us.
• We like concise applications.
If your brief description is interesting to us, we will ask for more details. Please address our questions as numbered.
• Do not send attachments
such as reports, accounts or powerpoint presentations with your initial application. If we need more information we will contact you.
• When to apply.
Applications may be submitted at any time.
Your application
... should be made by email to:
NB. All grants are made at the discretion of the Trustees and their decision is final.
We generally have 2 or maximum 3 meetings in a year to consider new applications, so there may be a delay in hearing back from us.
We do not contact unsuccessful applicants - you will only hear from us if we are considering your application and would like further information. Unsuccessful applicants should not re-apply for the same project. Please do not chase us.
We ask charities to whom we have awarded a grant to submit a short update on their project 12 months after the grant is awarded. This is not a formal grant condition, but failure to do so will be taken into account when we consider future applications.
Our policy is to make no more than one grant to any organisation in any 12 month period and generally, to make no more than 3 donations consecutively to the same charity.